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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sharing my Love!

Ok, I don't have a lot of time to write today as I am heading off to see the Hunger Games tonight with the girls.  I can't wait, I am giddy with excitement.  However, since I haven't posted in a few days I figured you would all think I was dead so I am popping on to say hello and do something I have never done on my blog before.

Today I am asking all my fellow bloggy friends to go check out a new blog that was started by somebody near and dear to my heart.  It is freaking hysterical and I know some of the stories she is planning to write about and I know you are all in for a big treat, and some pee yourself from laughing moments.  So check her out, follow her and turn her into the attention whore that you have all turned me into.

Now all of you go click on the link, read the posts (especially the second one) and click that follow button, oh and comment, no attention whore is complete without the comments.
Dating after Disney


  1. ...Rumors of your death have been greatly exaggerated.... good to see you checking in my fellow attention whore :) Movie review, please - read the trilogy. Dying to make time to get to see it! Will go check out your friend now :)

    1. Movie review, disappointing. They left way too many important things out of the movie that were in the book and spent too much time setting the scene for the next movie. It was good, but no Twilight.

    2. Noted.... Guess it's a wait for video or HBO type of movie... Crap... I was expecting more.

    3. I was talking to people at work today and they all said the same thing. Although the movie was good, it messed too much.

  2. Started following your suggestion. ;)

    Also, I went and saw Hunger Games last night with my mom and my girls. I thought it was pretty good, but I do agree with you about the left out scenes.For some reason the whole Mockingjay pin irked me.I was like 'wait a minute you didn't get the pin from the old lady!! NO!!!' But all in all, I liked the movie. I just finished the second book,(which I was able to borrow the 1st and 2nd from a friend) but I am going to drive over to the bookstore today and buy the 3rd. LOVE THIS TRILOGY!
    Did you ever read Stephenie Meyers 'THE HOST'? Her adult Sci-Fi book after Twilight? Awesome book, and they are turning that into a movie now.

    1. I have read all three books and loved them, especially the third. I just felt like too much was left out of the movie, and it was important stuff. The pin pissed me off too. Especially because the mayors daughter plays a bigger role in the second book and they left her out completly.
