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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Yes, I am the Underachieving Home Owner.

Here in Stoughton, Massachusetts it is absolutely freaking beautiful outside.  There isn't a cloud in the sky, it is warm and spring is definitely in the air.  I ran around and opened all the windows in my house.  The breeze was blowing and I smelled something fabulous.  It was a scent I loved but I had trouble placing it, it had been months since I smelled it last.  It couldn't be, could it?  Then as I heard the buzzing through my bedroom window I confirmed my suspicion, fresh cut grass, in March.  Needless to say the lawn mowing that was being done certainly wasn't coming from my yard but from George, my neighbor for the past twelve years, also known as the man with the fantastic yard.

I really do love spring but what I dread is the yard work.  I don't think dread is the right more, more like hate, despise, loath.  In the fall I usually let the leaves lie where they land, hoping that some wind will take them away (and into George's yard, he is much better it picking them up than me) but alas, it never happens.  That means that come spring time I am left with a big pile of crap to deal with and no motivation to do it.  At the moment my back yard is pretty much dirt.  Last summer we got rid of the swing set that the kids never used anymore and it left a big gaping mud pit in it's place.  We planned to plant grass, planned being the operative word.

So now here is George, out mowing is beautiful lawn and I start feeling guilty.  Should I be out doing the same?  Or should I pick up a rake and get rid of the leaves.  Damn, it is Sunday, my one day off of the week, do I really need to spend it like that?  Tomorrow is Monday, I would much rather do it then because after all, nobody likes Mondays.  Oh wait, back to work tomorrow so that's out.  Ugh, the guilt was really mounting.  Thoughts of how fresh and clean the yard looks after a good raking crossed my mine.  I could rake and then BBQ, it was a perfect night to BBQ and I wouldn't want to with the yard looking like crap.  Decisions, Decisions, what to do?

Well, I ended up doing what every other underachieving home owner does.  I got my husband and kids together, loaded them into the car and left.  Left the smell of cut grass, left my shabby looking lawn and most importantly left the sound of the lawn mower next door reminding me that I am just delaying the inevitable, another year of lackluster landscaping.  And I loved every second of it, enjoying a beautiful day out with my family.


  1. Did his grass really need to be cut? I don't think you're an underachiever...I think he is an

    1. Not, It didn't but George is cool, and his lawn is great so he must know something I don't.

  2. Sounds exactly like us, we are in between a concrete yard and a neighbor like George. We end up leaving as a family as well, of course in this part of Mass there is still snow in the shady areas...

  3. I swear we were separated at birth. This is SO me. I don't water the grass cause I figure if it's brown, it doesn't need to be mowed..*shrugs* right? I hate yard work. I hate gardening. My mother loves it, after a while she'll come over and plant something cause she can't stand it. I'd just rather it all be grass, so when I do get around to mowing, I can just mow it all and be done.
    P.S. Didn't do a thing w/ the yard all weekend.

    1. I never water either, I like when I don't have to mow in the summer. It is too hot for it at that point. I don't fertilize either because that means it grows too darn fast. My mom is the same way. She has a perfect yard and garden and she has been known to come and fix mine up.

  4. I never feel guilty not mowing the lawn and if my neighbor gives me any grief about it, I tell him I'm letting god decide how long it should be.

    1. HAHA I always feel guilty. Thankfully I have known my neighbor since I was a kid (although we have only lived next door for 12 years) and he would never critize, the guilt is all my own.

  5. We are "George" but only because "Rainman" is the lawn nazi in this house. I couldn't care less as long as my flowers blooming I'm good. Nice trick, loading everybody up and leaving.. I'll have to try that with "Rainman." If I don't like being woke up with the sound of "Rainman's" mower I imagine my neighbors like it even less..

  6. When we moved out to our house my husband started going a little crazy with making his "lines" right and trying to make our huge yard look golf course quality. That got old real quick considering we have about 4 acres to mow so he thought he'd start just slacking a little. Then we started getting phone calls from some local senior citizens praising us on how nice our home/yard looked. What could we do at that point but continue the golf course maintenance knowing how good it made them feel and how they'd think we were slackers if we stopped!
